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High-Quality Finished Products and No-Sweat Guarantee

About Our Company


Joule Technologies was founded in 1999 by engineers committed to high-quality products and unparalleled customer service. We believe that by implementing standard design and manufacturing protocol to fixture manufacturing, we offer our clients a more efficient and effective fixture build process.

Today, we ship worldwide and we’re known for our collaborative approach, high-quality finished products, and no-sweat guarantee.



  • Working with your fixture manufacturer should be easy, stress-free, and culminate in getting the exact fixture you want.
  • A fixture should be plug-and-play when our customer receives it.
  • The test engineer and Joule have a common interest in pleasing the fixture operator who uses the product eight hours a day.
  • Collaboration and joint problem solving breed understanding and lead to positive results.

Small Business Champion

In 2011, Joule was recognized by McHenry County’s EDC as a Business Champion for having a corporate philosophy that embraces a culture for learning. 

“Joule Technologies capitalized on this philosophy by adopting new methods of planning, design, and management. By moving from a traditional production model to the non-traditional employee-managed Self Directed Work Teams, they are making strides toward their five-year plan of creating an ‘awesome stakeholder experience.'”

Our Name​

We wanted a name that reflected what our fixtures are built to do: connect the instrumentation to the unit undergoing testing.

Unfortunately, Trademark searches proved daunting. Then, we came across information on one James Joule, a technical master from a family of brewers. Being fond of both technology and brewing, we loved the combination, and Joule Technologies was born.


Business Champion

Our Name​

We wanted a name that reflected what our fixtures are built to do: connect the instrumentation to the unit undergoing testing.

Unfortunately, Trademark searches proved daunting. Then, we came across information on one James Joule, a technical master from a family of brewers. Being fond of both technology and brewing, we loved the combination, and Joule Technologies was born.
